Sailor Moon Drops Wiki

Episodes (エピソード Episōdo?) are the name given to the short cutscenes that appear on the main maps and in certain events. Many episodes contain exclusive characters that are not playable.

List of Episodes[]

Dark Kingdom[]

  1. Crybaby Usagi's Transformation
    1. Sailor Moon Appears
    2. Finding Friends
    3. A Fateful Encounter?
  2. Mercury Rising
    1. Mercury Rising
    2. Twice as Nice
  3. Mars Approaches
    1. Mars Approaches
    2. Third Time's a Charm
  4. Moonshine Romance: Masquerade Ball
    1. Unity!
    2. Moonshine Romance
  5. Jupiter Ascending
    1. Jupiter Ascending
    2. Four for Justice!
  6. The Final Guardian: Sailor Venus!
    1. Venus Ventures Forth
    2. The 5 Guardians!
  7. Moon Princess Awakes
    1. Mamoru's Past
    2. Tuxedo Mask Revealed
    3. Moon Princess Awakes
  8. Memories of the Past
    1. Memories of the Past
    2. Challenging Trials
  9. Tuxedo Mask Abducted
    1. Tuxedo Mask is Evil?
    2. To the Moon
  10. Moon-sent Message
    1. Moon-sent Message
    2. Find the Enemy Lair
  11. To the Dark Kingdom (Part 1)
    1. Polar D-Point
    2. Jupiter's Battle
    3. Jupiter Withdraws
    4. Mercury's Battle
    5. Mercury Withdraws
    6. Splitting Up 1
  12. To the Dark Kingdom (Part 2)
    1. Splitting Up 2
  13. Usagi's Resolve
    1. TBA
  14. The Final Battle
    1. TBA
  15. Mysterious Girl From The Sky
    1. TBA

Black Moon[]

  1. Mysterious Girl From The Sky
    1. TBA
  2. Black Moon
    1. TBA
  3. Mighty Sailor Moon
    1. TBA
  4. To the Future! Sailor Pluto Appears
    1. TBA
  5. Future Crystal Tokyo
    1. TBA
  6. Save Sailor Moon!
    1. TBA
  7. Birth of Black Lady
    1. TBA
  8. Light Against Dark
    1. TBA

Death Busters[]

  1. Mysterious Guardian
    1. TBA
  2. Meeting Friends
    1. TBA
  3. Haruka and Michiru
    1. TBA
  4. Conflicting Hearts
    1. TBA
  5. Search for the Talisman
    1. TBA
  6. The Legendary Holy Grail
    1. TBA
  7. The Grail's Power: Super Sailor Moon
    1. TBA
  8. She's Here! The Tiny Guardian
    1. TBA
  9. Hotaru's Secret
    1. TBA
  10. The Messiah of Silence Awakens: Fate of the Stars
    1. TBA
  11. The Guardian of Ruin: Sailor Saturn
    1. TBA
  12. Demise and Rebirth
    1. TBA

Dead Moon[]

  1. A Fateful Encounter: Night of Prancing Pegasus
    1. TBA
  2. Pegasus' Power: Super Transformation Once Again
    1. TBA
  3. Bonding Hearts: Chibi-Usa and Pegasus
    1. TBA
  4. Super Sailor Team
    1. TBA
  5. New Moon's Evil Power
    1. TBA
  6. What I Want to Save
    1. TBA
  7. Nightmares Won't Defeat Us
    1. TBA
  8. The Final Battle: Believing in the Power to Dream
    1. TBA

Sailor Stars[]

  1. Fate of the Stars
    1. TBA
  2. Hellos and Goodbyes
    1. TBA
  3. The Three Lights
    1. TBA
  4. Superstar Students
    1. TBA
  5. New Sailor Guardians
    1. TBA
  6. An Unexpected Encounter
    1. TBA
  7. A New Awakening
    1. TBA
  8. Seiya's Resolve
    1. TBA
  9. Identity Revealed
    1. TBA
  10. The Truth Comes to Light: Seiya's Past
    1. TBA
  11. Long-Awaited Reunion
    1. TBA
  12. Holy War in the Galaxy: The Legend of the Sailor Wars
    1. TBA
  13. Galaxia Descending
    1. TBA
  14. Vanishing Stars
    1. TBA
  15. Betrayal
    1. TBA
  16. Final Battle for the Galaxy
    1. TBA
  17. Usagi's Love Lights Up the Galaxy
    1. TBA


Sailor V[]

  1. Remember!
  2. Popular Sailor V
  3. Sailor V's an Ally?
  4. A Temporary Guise
  5. A Guardian's Mission
  6. Dear Friends

Princess Kaguya's Lover[]

  1. Another Story: The Lover of Princess Kaguya
    1. Meeting with Kakeru
    2. Is this... Love?
    3. Kakeru and Himeko
    4. I Want to be a Human Girl
    5. Fight with Snow Kaguya
    6. Princess Kaguya
    7. By Your Side

Sailor Uranus[]

  1. Another Story: The Bond of Destiny: Uranus and Neptune
    1. Premonitions
    2. Our Dreams
    3. Guardian's Resolve
    4. Drawn Together
    5. No More Running
    6. Since I Met You

Kou Seiya - Interviewing the "Three Lights"[]

  1. Interviewing the "Three Lights"
  2. Introducing Kou Seiya
  3. Introducing Kou Yaten
  4. Introducing Kou Taiki
  5. In Search of Our Princess
  6. Foresight

Crisis Make Up![]

  1. Side Story: Sweet Surprise
    1. Sloppy Pudding
    2. How to Make Up
    3. Getting Help
    4. Kind Mamo
    5. A Time Like This?!
    6. Sweet Surprise
    7. Like Mother, Like Daughter

Eternal Sailor Moon[]

  1. Side Story: A Night Alone Together! Usagi's Dilemma
    1. The Bodyguard
    2. A Visitor Calling
    3. Alone Together
    4. Eight's a Crowd
    5. All Fun And Games
    6. Unexpected Guests
    7. Haruka vs. Seiya
    8. Rogue Reporter
    9. A Time Like This?!
    10. How Many Sailor Guardians?!
    11. A Chaotic Battle
    12. Maybe Next Time

Message Cards[]

Christmas 2018[]

Main article: Christmas 2018.

New Year's 2019[]

Main article: New Year's 2019.

3 Million Downloads Celebration[]

Main article: 3 Million Downloads Celebration.

2nd Anniversary[]

Main article: 2nd Anniversary.



Lists on the Sailor Moon Drops Wiki (ve)
BoostersCharacters (Non-PlayablePairs) ● EpisodesEventsGame Center FiguresGame PiecesGame TipsKey ItemsSpecial MovesStage TypesStory ArcsWallpapers
Episodes in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
Dark Kingdom Crybaby Usagi's TransformationMercury RisingMars ApproachesMoonshine Romance: Masquerade BallJupiter AscendingThe Final Guardian: Sailor Venus!Moon Princess AwakesMemories of the PastTuxedo Mask AbductedMoon-sent MessageTo the Dark Kingdom (Part 1)To the Dark Kingdom (Part 2)Usagi's ResolveThe Final BattleMysterious Girl From The Sky
Black Moon Mysterious Girl From The SkyBlack MoonMighty Sailor MoonTo the Future! Sailor Pluto AppearsFuture Crystal TokyoSave Sailor Moon!Birth of Black LadyLight Against Dark
Death Busters Mysterious GuardianMeeting FriendsHaruka and MichiruConflicting HeartsSearch for the TalismanThe Legendary Holy GrailThe Grail's Power: Super Sailor MoonShe's Here! The Tiny GuardianHotaru's SecretThe Messiah of Silence Awakens: Fate of the StarsThe Guardian of Ruin: Sailor SaturnDemise and Rebirth
Dead Moon A Fateful Encounter: Night of Prancing PegasusPegasus' Power: Super Transformation Once AgainBonding Hearts: Chibi-Usa and PegasusSuper Sailor TeamNew Moon's Evil PowerWhat I Want to SaveNightmares Won't Defeat UsThe Final Battle: Believing in the Power to Dream
Sailor Stars Fate of the StarsHellos and GoodbyesThe Three LightsSuperstar StudentsNew Sailor GuardiansAn Unexpected EncounterA New AwakeningSeiya's ResolveIdentity RevealedThe Truth Comes to Light: Seiya's PastLong-Awaited ReunionHoly War in the Galaxy: The Legend of the Sailor WarsGalaxia DescendingVanishing StarsBetrayalFinal Battle for the GalaxyUsagi's Love Lights Up the Galaxy
Dark Kingdom: Another Story Love in a Past Life
Events Sailor VPrincess Kaguya's LoverSailor UranusKou Seiya - Interviewing the "Three Lights"Crisis Make Up!Eternal Sailor Moon
Message Christmas 2018New Year's 20193 Million Downloads Celebration2nd Anniversary