Sailor Moon Drops Wiki
For the character, see Eternal Sailor Moon.

Directory: EventsEpisode events

Eternal Sailor Moon (エターナルセーラームーン Etānarusērāmūn?) is an episode event in Sailor Moon Drops. Eternal Sailor Moon can be won from this event.


Eternal Sailor Moon has 45 stages across 5 courses. Eternal Sailor Moon is unlocked, with a maximum level of 3, after beating Stage 27. In order to upgrade Eternal Sailor Moon to a maximum level of 5, Stage 45 must be beaten.

A total of 135 stars can be won in this event.


  1. Side Story: A Night Alone Together! Usagi's Dilemma
    1. The Bodyguard
    2. A Visitor Calling
    3. Alone Together
    4. Eight's a Crowd
    5. All Fun And Games
    6. Unexpected Guests
    7. Haruka vs. Seiya
    8. Rogue Reporter
    9. A Time Like This?!
    10. How Many Sailor Guardians?!
    11. A Chaotic Battle
    12. Maybe Next Time


Spoiler Spoiler warning!
Plot details follow.

The Bodyguard[]

The Bodyguard
The girls are at school.
Minako Aino
Hey, did you hear the news? There's a robber on the loose in the neighborhood!
Ami Mizuno
Apparently so. I hope he's apprehended soon...
Makoto Kino
We should be careful 'til then.
Usagi Tsukino
Eeeek!! I'm supposed to be watching the house alone tonight! What if he comes to my house?!
Kou Seiya
Want me to be your bodyguard?
Usagi Tsukino
Seiya! You'd really do that for me?
Kou Seiya
If that robber comes around, I'll kick his butt! I'm a pretty swell guy, right?
Usagi Tsukino
You sure are!
Makoto Kino
Sooo... In other words, that means Seiya's spending the night at Usagi's place?
Ami Mizuno
S-S-Spending the night?!
Minako Aino
Usagi, you sly dog!
Kou Seiya
Welp! See ya after school, bun-head.
Usagi Tsukino
See you then, Seiya!
End of The Bodyguard

A Visitor Calling[]

A Visitor Calling
Seiya arrives at Usagi's house.
Kou Seiya
Usagi Tsukino
Thanks for coming! Just sit tight in my room for a sec. I'll make some tea!
Usagi leaves. Seiya looks at a picture of Usagi and Mamoru.
Kou Seiya
(So that's bun-head's boyfriend in the photo...) Better not get on his bad side...
(Seiya's in Usagi's room...) (I'm sure there's nothing to worry about... But I'll keep an eye on them.) (Just in case...)
Usagi returns.
Usagi Tsukino
Tea's ready!
Kou Seiya
Listen, bun-head... Now we're alone together... There's something I've been wanting to tell you.
Usagi Tsukino
Something? Uh, like what...?
(What on earth...?!)
End of A Visitor Calling

Alone Together[]

Alone Together
Seiya and Usagi are in Usagi's room.
Kou Seiya
Now we're alone together... There's something I've been wanting to tell you. Don't laugh, okay?
Usagi Tsukino
Of course not!
(Usagi, for goodness sake! Don't sit so close!)
Kou Seiya
Bun-head... See, the thing is... Um. I...
Usagi Tsukino
Oh, no! You stop right there!
Kou Seiya
Why? You said we shouldn't keep secrets, right?
Usagi Tsukino
W-Well, I guess not, but...
Kou Seiya
So lemme finish!
Usagi Tsukino
No, no, no, no!
Kou Seiya
(Oh, no! It's worse than I feared!)
Kou Seiya
Usagi Tsukino
Oh, Chibi-Chibi! You're back... Quit sneaking up on me!
Kou Seiya
... (Jeez... There goes my chance to tell her...)
End of Alone Together

Eight's a Crowd[]

Eight's a Crowd
The other Sailor Guardians arrive at Usagi's house.
Minako Aino
Knock-knock! Hi, Usagi!
Usagi Tsukino
What are you guys doing here?
Rei Hino
Where is he?
Usagi Tsukino
Huh? Where's who?
Rei Hino
Seiya, duh!
Usagi Tsukino
Oh, so that's your game...
Ami Mizuno
Sorry to intrude. But as we were discussing the situation with Seiya, we decided to stop by.
Makoto Kino
We wouldn't want you to get lonely, Usagi!
Minako Aino
When it's just a guy and a girl alone together, things can get kinda awkward, right?
Ami Mizuno
Makoto Kino
What she said!
Usagi Tsukino
Thanks so much, guys! This really means a lot to me!
Kou Taiki
Good evening, girls.
Minako Aino
Taiki! Yaten!
Kou Taiki
I bet Seiya's giving you plenty of trouble.
Kou Yaten
So we figured we'd swing by to make sure he doesn't make an idiot of himself!
Usagi Tsukino
Haha! Looks like this place is gonna be packed tonight!
End of Eight's a Crowd

All Fun And Games[]

All Fun And Games
Luna and Artemis observe the others.
So much for being home alone. There's eight kids under one roof!
Kou Seiya
Man, there sure are a lot of us... It feels a bit like a classroom before the teacher arrives...
Minako Aino
But this is no school day! We've got the Three Lights here! Doesn't that make you wanna... Y'know, do stuff you can't at school?
Rei Hino
M-Minako! What are you saying?!
Minako Aino
Hee hee! I'm saying, why don't we... ... PLAY A CHILDREN'S CARD GAME!!
Makoto Kino
Oh, for crying out loud.
Minako Aino
No, really! The Three Lights are so busy, I bet they never get to play games like this, right?
Kou Seiya
Could be a nice change of pace. I'm in!
Usagi Tsukino
Cool! What should we play?
Ami Mizuno
How about Sevens? The strategic element should keep things interesting.
Kou Taiki
Heh... Not a bad idea. I hope you're prepared to lose to me, Mizuno.
Makoto Kino
Wow, Taiki. That's quite the competitive streak you got there...
Minako Aino
Hey, Yaten! Go out with me and I'll help you win!
Kou Yaten
I don't need your help.
Minako Aino
Aww, man...
It looks like I worried over nothing.
A group of eight teenagers all sitting around playing Sevens... It's so wholesome it's scary.
End of All Fun And Games

Unexpected Guests[]

Unexpected Guests
Haruka and Michiru are driving by. Haruka's car has broken down.
Michiru Kaioh
Is everything alright, Haruka?
Haruka Tenoh
Something's wrong with the car... I can't drive it like this.
Michiru Kaioh
Oh dear! What should we do?
Haruka Tenoh
Well, what can you do? I'll just have to call a mechanic.
Michiru Kaioh
Wait a second... Isn't that a certain bun-headed girl's house over there?
Haruka Tenoh
Wanna go stave off some boredom there?
Michiru Kaioh
It's never boring with you around.
Haruka and Michiru arrive at Usagi's house.
Haruka Tenoh
Yo! How's it going, kitty-cat?
Michiru Kaioh
Good evening.
Usagi Tsukino
Haruka! Michiru!
Haruka Tenoh
My car's on the fritz. Can we chill here for a bit?
Usagi Tsukino
Sure! Come on in!
Kou Seiya
... Huh?
Haruka Tenoh
Kou Seiya
What are you doing here?
Michiru breaks the fourth wall.
Michiru Kaioh
See what I mean? Never boring.
End of Unexpected Guests

Haruka vs. Seiya[]

Haruka vs. Seiya
Haruka and Seiya have recognized each other.
Haruka Tenoh
Gee, you sure have a lot of time on your hands for a celebrity. Shouldn't you be somewhere?
Kou Seiya
I had some plans fall through for once! So I'm playing bodyguard to bun-head here today.
Haruka Tenoh
Hmph... I didn't know bodyguards brought their buddies to a job.
Kou Seiya
Haruka Tenoh
Come to think of it, shouldn't someone be guarding bun-head from you guys?
The others observe.
Rei Hino
Um... Usagi, what's their deal?
Usagi Tsukino
I heard Seiya was trying to hit on Michiru...
Rei Hino
Yikes. No wonder Haruka's mad...
Kou Seiya
Usagi Tsukino
I wonder if Haruka just doesn't get along with boys?
Haruka Tenoh
Michiru Kaioh
Oh, that's not it. You see...
Haruka Tenoh
Michiru Kaioh
Haruka just gets jealous of popular boys. That's all!
Usagi Tsukino
Oh, I get it!
Haruka Tenoh
N-No, you don't!
Michiru Kaioh
Hee hee...
The doorbell rings.
Ami Mizuno
Oh! Usagi, was that the doorbell?
Usagi Tsukino
Another visitor? I wonder who it could be this time.
End of Haruka vs. Seiya

Rogue Reporter[]

Rogue Reporter
Usagi answers the door.
Usagi Tsukino
Uh, can I help you...?
TV Reporter
Evening, ma'am! I'm doing a TV spot on home dinners! Mind if I come in and shoot some footage?
Usagi Tsukino
Huh? For a TV show?!
TV Reporter
Have you eaten yet?
Usagi Tsukino
No, not yet...
TV Reporter
Wonderful! Then I'm sure it's no problem if I join you!
Usagi Tsukino
H-Hey, wait a second! Just wait outside, please!
Usagi goes back inside.
Usagi Tsukino
What should we do...!?
Kou Taiki
If they catch us spending the night at a girl's house, we'll never hear the end of it!
Kou Yaten
Just imagine the tabloids... "The Three Lights' Secret Night-time Hideaway!"
Kou Seiya
We gotta hide!
Usagi Tsukino
Minako! I'm counting on you!
Rei Hino
Guard the doorway and buy us some time!
Minako Aino
Huh? Wait, why ME?
End of Rogue Reporter

A Time Like This?![]

A Time Like This?!
Usagi, Seiya, and Chibi-Chibi have hidden in the closet.
Kou Seiya
It's so cramped in here...
Usagi Tsukino
That's what you get when you put three people in a closet! (This is too close for comfort...)
Kou Seiya
Erm, anyways. Like I was saying before...
Usagi Tsukino
Kou Seiya
Well, we're alone together.
Usagi Tsukino
Not with Chibi-Chibi here, we're not! A-And think of what Mamo would say!
Kou Seiya
Aren't you sort of jumping to conclusions...?
Minako Aino
Usagi Tsukino
(That was Minako's voice!) Seiya! Look after Chibi-Chibi!
Kou Seiya
Where are you going?!
Usagi Tsukino
Just wait here!
Usagi leaves.
Kou Seiya
(Could it be... An enemy!?)
End of A Time Like This?!

How Many Sailor Guardians?![]

How Many Sailor Guardians?!
Usagi has transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon.
Eternal Sailor Moon
Minako! Are you all right?!
Minako Aino
Sailor Moon!
Super Sailor Uranus
That TV reporter turned into a monster!
Eternal Sailor Moon
What?! Oh no! The house is a wreck! What do you think you're doing, barging into people's homes and messing up the place?! In the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!
Super Sailor Mars
And don't forget about us!
Super Sailor Jupiter
The Super Sailor Guardians are on the scene!
Sailor Star Fighter
And so are we! Sailor StarLights Stage On!!
Super Sailor Uranus
Ten Sailor Guardians under one roof?
Eternal Sailor Moon
I always thought this was a pretty big house...
Super Sailor Neptune
No, it isn't.
End of How Many Sailor Guardians?!

A Chaotic Battle[]

A Chaotic Battle
The Sailor Guardians are fighting the monster.
Sailor Star Healer
Let's hurry up and end this!
Sailor Star Maker
Star Gentle--!
Super Sailor Jupiter
Wait!! The house will be destroyed if you use those attacks!
Sailor Star Fighter
Just pipe down and stay low!
Super Sailor Mercury
Sailor Moon, hurry! While everyone's stalled!
Eternal Sailor Moon
Right... Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!
The Eternal Tiare glows, purifying the monster.
Super Sailor Mars
The monster's been purified!
Sailor Star Maker
Phew... Until we meet again, then.
Super Sailor Neptune
We'll take our leave, too.
Eternal Sailor Moon
What?! You're not gonna help clean up?!
Minako Aino
Um... Hello? Did you forget about me?! ...Guys?!
End of A Chaotic Battle

Maybe Next Time[]

Maybe Next Time
Everyone has detransformed and helped clean up Usagi's house.
Makoto Kino
All right! Cleaning complete!
Kou Seiya
The place looks pretty tidy to me.
Usagi Tsukino
Phew... What bad luck that was! But on the bright side, the robber didn't come... And I got to spend time with you guys! That reminds me! Seiya, didn't you have something you wanted to tell me?
Kou Seiya
Ah... Maybe next time. When we're alone together again.
Minako Aino
Wait, WHAT? What was he gonna say!?
Ami Mizuno
Is there something going on with Seiya and Usagi?
Rei Hino
Something Mamoru should know about?!
Usagi Tsukino
No, no! You've got it all wrong!
Kou Seiya
(I'll tell you, someday...) (The truth about our lost home world, and our princess... And the fact we're the Sailor Starlights.) (I hate lying to you, bun-head...) Anyways! If you ever need help, you know who to call! I'll come running to take care of you.
Usagi Tsukino
Right! Seiya... Thank you so much!
End of Maybe Next Time





Events in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
Constellation events in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
Princess Serenity icon Princess SerenityMinako Aino (School Uniform) icon Minako Aino: A Girl In LoveAmi Mizuno (School Uniform) icon A Challenge from the Genius AmiUsagi Tsukino (Santa) iconChibi-Usa (Santa) icon Christmas PartyUsagi Tsukino (School Uniform) icon Usagi Tsukino: Wish Upon A StarRei Hino (School Uniform) icon Rei Hino, School IdolSailor Neptune icon Sailor NeptunePrincess Usagi SL Serenity icon Little PrincessNeo Queen Serenity icon Neo Queen SerenityMichiru Kaioh (Middle School Uniform) icon Michiru Kaiō: Elegant MelodyNaru Osaka icon After-School Sweet ToothPrincess Serenity (Original Colors) icon The Moon PrincessHaruka Tenoh (Vampire) icon Haruka's Halloween NightSuper Sailor Moon icon Super Sailor MoonHotaru Tomoe (Santa) icon Hotaru's Merry ChristmasMamoru Chiba (Christmas ver.) icon Mamoru Chiba: Holy Night SurpriseMichiru Kaioh (Furisode) icon Michiru's Kimono Party!Kou Taiki (School Uniform) icon Kou Taiki: Wandering MeteorKou Yaten (School Uniform) icon Kou Yaten - On Stage!Sailor Chibi Moon icon Sailor Chibi MoonSailor Star Maker icon Sailor Star MakerSuper Sailor Pluto icon Super Sailor PlutoSailor Moon (Complete Edition, Part 1 ver.) icon Miracle AnniversaryUsagi Tsukino (Witch) icon Usagi's Happy HalloweenAmi Mizuno (Santa) iconRei Hino (Santa) icon Christmas Collection ~The Night Before~Makoto Kino (Santa) iconMinako Aino (Santa) icon Christmas Collection ~The Night After~Super Sailor Neptune icon Super Sailor NeptuneSailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask icon Miracle RomancePrincess Serenity & Endymion icon Earth and Moon: Destined LoveSailor Moon & Sailor V icon Sailor Moon & Sailor VUsagi Tsukino (Black Cat) icon Usagi's Black Cat PartySuper Sailor Saturn icon Super Sailor SaturnSailor Chibi Moon & Sailor Saturn icon Chibi Moon & Saturn
Star collection events in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
Makoto Kino (School Uniform) icon Makoto the DevotedRei Hino (Shrine Maiden) icon Rei, the Mysterious Shrine MaidenMakoto Kino (Apron) icon Makoto's Dessert PartyAmi Mizuno (Dress) icon Ami's Day OutMotoki Furuhata icon Celebration! Game Center Opening!Haruka Tenoh (Racing Gear) icon Haruka Ten'ō: Brilliant RacerMichiru Kaioh (Witch) icon Michiru's Halloween NightHaruka Tenoh (Hakama) icon Haruka's Kimono Party!Sailor Saturn icon Sailor SaturnUsagi Tsukino (Easter ver.) icon Usagi's Happy EasterSuper Sailor Mercury icon Super Sailor MercuryEndymion icon EndymionSuper Sailor Chibi Moon icon Super Sailor Chibi MoonSuper Sailor Venus icon Super Sailor VenusSailor Star Fighter icon Sailor Star FighterSailor Mercury (Manga Design) icon Guardian of Water and IntelligenceSailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune icon Uranus & NeptuneSailor Chibi-Chibi Moon icon Sailor Chibi-Chibi MoonSailor Moon (Manga Design) icon Guardian of Love and JusticeChibi-Usa (School Uniform) & Helios icon Chibi-Usa & Helios
Episode events in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
Sailor V icon Sailor VLuna (Princess Kaguya's Lover) icon Princess Kaguya's LoverSailor Uranus icon Sailor UranusKou Seiya (School Uniform) icon Kou Seiya - Interviewing the "Three Lights"Super Sailor Moon (Crisis Moon) icon Crisis Make Up!Eternal Sailor Moon icon Eternal Sailor Moon
Bingo events in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
Tuxedo Mask icon Tuxedo MaskBlack Lady icon Black LadyUsagi Tsukino (Wedding Dress) icon Usagi - Longing BrideSuper Sailor Mars icon Super Sailor MarsSuper Sailor Jupiter icon Super Sailor JupiterHotaru Tomoe (Witch) icon Hotaru's Happy HalloweenUsagi Tsukino (Furisode) icon Usagi's Kimono Party!Sailor Star Healer icon Sailor Star HealerSuper Sailor Uranus icon Super Sailor UranusSailor Jupiter (Manga Design) icon Guardian of Thunder and ProtectionSailor Cosmos icon Sailor CosmosFish's Eye icon Fish's Eye
Labyrinth events in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
Prince Dimande icon Prince DimandeMinako Aino (Easter ver.) icon Minako's Happy EasterSailor Mars (Manga Design) icon Guardian of Fire and PassionSailor Venus (Manga Design) icon Guardian of Love and BeautyNeo Queen Serenity (Original Colors) icon Omnipotent GoddessSetsuna Meioh (Santa) icon Setsuna's Merry Christmas
Door of Space and Time events (ve)
Usagi Tsukino (School Uniform) icon Usagi Tsukino: Wish Upon A StarAmi Mizuno (School Uniform) icon A Challenge from the Genius AmiRei Hino (School Uniform) icon Rei Hino, School IdolMakoto Kino (School Uniform) icon Makoto the DevotedMinako Aino (School Uniform) icon Minako Aino: A Girl In LovePrincess Serenity icon Princess SerenityAmi Mizuno (Dress) icon Ami's Day OutRei Hino (Shrine Maiden) icon Rei, the Mysterious Shrine MaidenMakoto Kino (Apron) icon Makoto's Dessert PartySailor V icon Sailor VSailor Uranus icon Sailor UranusSailor Neptune icon Sailor NeptuneHaruka Tenoh (Racing Gear) icon Haruka Ten'ō: Brilliant Racer