Directory: Events → Star collection events
Directory: Events → Door of Space and Time events
Haruka Ten'ō: Brilliant Racer (天王はるか 華麗なる疾走 Ten'ō Haruka Kareinaru Shissō?) is a star collection event in Sailor Moon Drops. Haruka Tenoh (Racing Gear) can be won from this event.
Haruka Ten'ō: Brilliant Racer was later added to the Door of Space and Time with the ID number 212.
Haruka Ten'ō: Brilliant Racer has 45 stages across one course. Haruka Tenoh (Racing Gear) is unlocked, with a maximum level of 3, after beating Stage 27 with at least 70 stars collected. In order to upgrade Haruka Tenoh (Racing Gear) to a maximum level of 5, Stage 45 must be beaten with at least 110 stars collected.
A total of 135 stars can be won in the event.
- This event's name is the only instance in Sailor Moon Drops of Haruka's last name being spelled "Ten'ō" instead of "Tenoh". The reason for this is unknown.