Sailor Moon Drops Wiki

Directory: CharactersSailor Stars

Kou Seiya (Popstar) icon Kou Seiya (Popstar)

Kou Seiya (Popstar)
Story Arc Sailor Stars
Gender Male
Ability 1 A Song for Just One Person
  • Changes 9-12 random pieces of one type to another type
  • Ability 2 A Song for Just One Person
  • Changes 9-12 random pieces of one type to another type; Special Move Gauge fills faster
  • Other Information

    Availability Information[]

    Kou Seiya (Popstar) is unlocked, with a maximum level of 5, after beating Stage 165 of the Sailor Stars story arc using Kou Seiya (Popstar).



    Versions of Kou Seiya in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
    Sailor Stars Sailor Star Fighter icon Sailor Star Fighter (Gallery)
    Kou Seiya (School Uniform) icon Kou Seiya (School Uniform) (Gallery)
    Kou Seiya (Popstar) icon Kou Seiya (Popstar) (Gallery)