Sailor Moon Drops Wiki

Directory: CharactersSailor Stars

For the event, see Sailor Cosmos (event).

Sailor Cosmos icon Sailor Cosmos

Sailor Cosmos
Story Arc
Event Sailor Cosmos
Gender Female
Ability 1 The Courage of Acceptance
  • Adds +2 Moves, +6 Time, and clears surrounding pieces and 1 level of blocks
  • Ability 2 The Courage of Acceptance
  • Adds +3 Moves, +9 Time, and clears surrounding pieces and 1 level of blocks
  • Other Information

    Availability Information[]

    Sailor Cosmos is unlocked, with a maximum level of 3, after gaining 24 bingos (beating 27 stages) in Sailor Cosmos. In order to upgrade Sailor Cosmos to a maximum level of 5, 40 bingos must be gained (45 stages must be beaten).



    Versions of Chibi-Chibi in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
    Sailor Stars Sailor Chibi-Chibi Moon icon Sailor Chibi-Chibi Moon (Gallery)
    Sailor Cosmos icon Sailor Cosmos (Gallery)
    Non-playable Chibi-Chibi