Sailor Moon Drops Wiki

Directory: CharactersDark Kingdom

For other uses of "Tuxedo Mask", see Tuxedo Mask (disambiguation).

Tuxedo Mask icon Tuxedo Mask

Tuxedo Mask
Story Arc
Event Tuxedo Mask
Gender Male
Ability 1 The Rose That Strikes Down Evil
  • Adds 1 Popper(s) and clears surrounding pieces and blocks
  • Ability 2 Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber
  • Adds 1 Popper(s) and clears surrounding pieces and blocks
  • Other Information

    Availability Information[]

    Tuxedo Mask is unlocked, with a maximum level of 3, after gaining 24 bingos in Tuxedo Mask. In order to upgrade Tuxedo Mask to a maximum level of 5, 40 bingos must be gained.



    Versions of Mamoru Chiba in Sailor Moon Drops (ve)
    Dark Kingdom Tuxedo Mask icon Tuxedo Mask (Gallery)
    Endymion icon Endymion (Gallery)
    Character Pairs Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask icon Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask (Gallery)
    Princess Serenity & Endymion icon Princess Serenity & Endymion (Gallery)
    Special Seasonal Outfit Mamoru Chiba (Christmas ver.) icon Mamoru Chiba (Christmas ver.) (Gallery)
    Non-playable Tuxedo Mask
    Tuxedo Mask (Eyes)
    Mamoru Chiba (School Uniform)
    King Endymion
    Usagi Tsukino & Mamoru Chiba